Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Day 17

Today we went to the farm and worked our booties off. The guys finished fixing the bathroom doors and toilets and I painted them. They look ok, but I had to use a pretty big paintbrush to paint the words banos on them, so it kind of looks like a 5 year old did it. Once we were finished we played basketball for about 40 minutes because Julio wasnt ready to pick us up yet. After he picked us up we went to the hotel and gave them the information on preparing our food (health safety stuff) and then went and purchased a TON of gravel for the walkway to Julios new church and the bathrooms. It was sooo cheap! Gravel here is like nothing. So, then we came home and had a delicious lunch and were done for the day because the kids dont come on Tuesdays. We are going to go to church with Julio tonight (They have Tuesday night church). Here are pictures from the last few days! This is us two days ago when we went to ChiciMula. Kevin is the boy in the picture with Dara. He is from the village. He has a very hard family life. The other picture is of me with this man and his dogs. His only family are his dogs so he built his bike so that the could ride with him. He grooms them every day.

Here are pictures from yesterday in the city. Most of them are us eating at TGI Fridays...sooo good and the other one is of me getting sick and having to drink soda water with alkaseltzer. NOT GOOD! There is also a picture of Lucy's house in this picture. She handles a lot of the details for us with camp and we had to stop by her house in Guat City. Beautiful house! Oh yea, I forgot to mention that we saw a guy on the side of the road that had just been hit by a car that did not stop. Apparently this is a common thing, but it was really weird driving past him as he just lay there on the side. We are not sure if he was dead or not, but there was already a group of people around him so we did not start.

The last pictures are from today. One is of my first cup of black coffee ever! So proud of myself. No sugar or cream. The other is of lunch today. very healthy. Then, there is a picture of the bathrooms once we finished them. And finally and I have no idea what order these are showing up in, there is a picture of mark haggling the people that run the water park into a better price. We are taking all of the teenagers on Saturday (Thanks Randy and Allison!) We are taking 50 people and it includes lunch for about $306. Not bad!! There is another picture of Mark, John and Edgar (the farm gate keeper) playing basketball at the farm.

1 comment:

  1. Those bathrooms were so disgusting originally, you did a good job with them!
